You must be of legal age to enter this site.
Please read the notice below before proceeding.
The web pages you are about to view contain material that is intended for responsible adults who are over 21 years old and over the age of legal consent in the locations in which they live and are accessing these web pages. If you are not more than 21 years old and are not over the age of legal consent in these locations, you are NOT permitted to access these web pages. You should be aware that federal, state, and other laws may prohibit such access by persons who are not over 21 years old or over the legal age of consent.
These web pages include images, text, graphics, sounds, illustrations, and descriptions of nudity and sexual activity. If you do not wish to access material of that nature, then you should not access these web pages.
Before accessing these web pages, you MUST click on the link below indicating that you agree to the statements listed below. By clicking on this link you are both agreeing to and verifying these statements.
- I am of sufficient age that I have the legal right to possess adult material. I have the right to possess adult material where I am accessing these web pages and in the community in which I live.
- I agree that I will not provide access to any of the materials in these web pages to any persons under 21 years old or to any persons who do not have the legal right to access adult materials.
- I have voluntarily chosen to access these web pages. I have done so because I want to view, read and/or hear these web pages and any adult content that may be contained in these web pages.
- I do not find it offensive or objectionable to view, read and/or hear adult content such as nudity or sexual activity.
- In the event that I become offended by any materials contained in these web pages, I agree that I will exit from those web pages immediately.
- I understand and agree that I will follow all standards and laws that apply to me.
- I agree that I will not Johnny Hazzard responsible for any materials located on these web pages.
- I understand that, if I do not comply with the terms of this agreement, I may violate federal, state, and/or other laws. I agree that I am solely responsible for any action I take that does not comply with the terms of this agreement.
- I understand that, if I click on the link below that says "I agree", I will agree to comply with the terms of this agreement. I also understand that, by clicking on the link that says "I disagree", I can exit from these web pages.
- I agree that I have reviewed, will comply with, and be bound by, the Terms and Conditions for this web site.